Investigation into 8 Pfizer and 19 Moderna modified RNA COVID-19 vaccines from 12 unique lots, including the newly released Moderna Spikevax monovalent XBB.1.5 booster
They do this because they are afraid of what they injected.
Even the ones that are constantly using cleanses now to try to get this crap out because their family members have been crippled and died from it do not want to hear it!
They tell me a family member is waiting to die from their 3rd heart attack since the shot- 0 before. Then when I say how common it is etc, they wave their hands in the air and say "Aaah it scares me when you tell me about it! I don't want to hear it!"
BUT they were the ones who brought up the carnage and how many shots they had etc!
In my circle I have experienced 2 deaths, 3 strokes, 2 cancers, 2 myocarditis, 3 disabilities. But I was the one that was ridiculed for not taking the jab.
Sounds about right! We did not take it but know 32ppl who are dead. Some at my gym, some friends of friends, rest are coworkers and a friend real estate agents' clients. Then there are the disabled. At my work, at hubbies work, everywhere!
Same here, only one not jabbed and the 'pure bloods' ain't the pure as we too get it from shedding and the environment. When I speak of DNA contamination, there goes my bro sending me articles from msm to counter my comments. So now I stopped trying to convince them they are already stuck in the mud, not trying to rescue them now.
I very much appreciate you sharing your personal story and the frame of scripture with your research work - because in reality they are three frames of the same story and depth and context is what will get us out of this mess. Going to dig into this research. Thank you David.
Since you have a PhD in viruses, can you prove they exist? Usually the first step before someone studies something, it must exist, if it does not, it is a hoax.
Just asking because scientists always need to keep an open mind.
In keeping with the " Courageous Truth", Dr. Byram Bridle was silent after his major revelation ( FOIA Japan) early on. Where did he go for years after it and why? Silence, crickets. Did he remain silent to keep his job? I don't know why he remained silent, do you?
Either I am wrong about his silence or you are trying to fool us in pretending to tell the truth but you are NOT.
Rumble is a Canadian company before it was recently bought out. In Toronto, an hour and a half from him. Non censored material. Are you aware? Was he speaking out for the last three years ( not recently) ? Please provide, I was watching and waiting after his Japan FOIA and I saw and heard nothing. He clammed up. Paid to clam up.
Please forward his work on this from the uncensored sites ( or any ) for the last 3 years. I want to see the " Hero's " work.
Freedomisnotfree: Dr Bridle has been extremely vocal, no holds barred. He speaks everywhere including internationally. Perhaps you're hoping for something via MSM? Or google-searching? Sadly he's censored via those mediums. But he is far from silent, my friend.
He was among the first doctors to come out and warn people, I can remember listening his warnings towards pregnant women not to take the jab very early on. You seem to have axe to grind, why?
Yeah, for a half a second. Then where did he go for years?
Just have a think about pansy asses when others are risking their lives and careers doing THE RIGHT THING.
And you, proclaiming truth , but void of truth and proof. Let’s see your proof he was vocal and visible for the last 36 months. Don’t make a claim unless you can back it up.
Oh, and answer my question about viruses Mr virologist. Stop the avoidance.
We understand deflection, obfuscation and confusion as a veil to hide behind.
This is a majorly amateurish substack. You new around here?
Dr Bridle has been such an effective spokesperson against the toxic Covid jabs *and* all the harmful lockdowns and mask mandates, that the jab-pushers responded by setting up a website to smear him and discredit him. That website lists many of the interviews and podcasts and talks that Dr Bridle has done to warn people, and calls them "false and misleading".
Here's just a taste of what the website says. but read it yourself. It's evidence of what Dr Bridle said, when he said it, and why the jab-pushers were so upset about it:
On May 27th, 2021, Dr. Byram Bridle made several false or misleading claims about the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and COVID-19 mRNA vaccines while appearing as a guest on Alex Pierson's radio show and podcast. Bridle ended the interview with the explosive claim:
... we made a big mistake, we didn't realize it until now ... we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin ...
The audience (including Pierson) was alarmed. The public relies on experts to interpret new scientific data, and a tenured professor with a PhD in immunology had just told them directly (three times over the course of the seven-minute interview) that his message should scare them.
This presented the perfect opportunity for anti-vaccine advocates, who use scientific credentials and fear (rather than actual scientific evidence) to trick their audience. Steve Kirsch (who had heard Bridle’s message the day before at a private webinar) quickly recruited Bret Weinstein and Robert Malone to amplify Bridle’s claims:
After the CCCA call with Byram (which by sheer luck I happened to be on), I contacted Bret Weinstein and requested an episode to expose this. He said it would be better if there was someone with medical credentials who would say the same thing. I offered that Robert Malone would be the perfect choice so that people would take what we had to say seriously. We filmed that Darkhorse podcast on June 10, 2021.
— Steve Kirsch (2022)
In the following weeks and months, millions of people heard Bridle’s message. He appeared on public-access television in Canada, and twice on Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle. Bridle gave numerous interviews on right-wing podcasts and radio shows, spoke at the ‘Freedom Convoy’ in Ottawa, and served as an ‘expert witness’ in several court cases and administrative hearings in opposition to public health measures.
Despite his newfound fame and the reach of his message, Bridle claimed he was censored and maligned by the scientific community, who have roundly rejected his interpretation of the scientific evidence.
So, "Freedomisnotfree," you read and understood this sentence, right? -- "In the following weeks and months, millions of people heard Bridle’s message." I was one of those millions, and it was Dr Bridle's and Dr Yeadon's early warnings that convinced me and my family to avoid the jabs. He sure got punished by his employer for those warnings. Dr Bridle is a hero.
An easy way to find a slew of the work Dr Bridle has done since early 2021 to warn people about the toxic Covid vaccines is to go to, do a search for Byram Bridle, and scroll through to see all the interviews and podcasts and videos and talks he's done regularly, year after year, since early 2021 -- look for the ones that were posted 2 and 3 years ago, and those all the way up to the last several months. Why can't you do such an easy search? Your failure to do even the most simple of searches, and your demands that others do them for you, make you appear to be cointelpro and not genuine. Here, I did it for you: Look at the dozens and dozens of videos from 2 to 3 months ago to 2 to 3 years ago. Here he is two months ago:
Pick whatever date you want in 2021, 2022, 2023. Or are you part of the smear campaigns that are unleashed on all of our most effective health freedom heroes?
Byram Bridle was locked out of his lab and has endured censure ever since. It is nearing 2 years now. In January of 2022 he was in Ottawa with the Canadian trucker protest inviting Theresa Tam and other Health Canada officials to debate over the supposed safety and efficacy of the Covid shots. Your questions are easily answered by anyone that was present and awake during Covid. Are you deliberately trying to lead people astray from the truth?
Why are you creating this negativity Freedomisnotfree? Many of us have heard hundreds of interviews, presentations and in-person conversations with Dr. Bridle since his revelation to the world 3 years ago, and many others who have been trying to warn others all along. I am not sure why you feel you can question this when there have been so many opportunities for you to hear Dr. Bridle and others but somehow you have been unable to find them? Maybe you should walk boldly out from behind that rock. No one should malign those who have sacrificed so much and have stood despite great opposition. I know there have been many attempts by these folks to obtain paid positions, but some have not been successful because of censorship and bias and cancelling of their expertise. Maybe you could find a lab for them to work in since you think they are readily available to walk-ins. Much of their work in the last couple of years has been done pro-bono. They deserve our admiration and thanks. Peace to you.
I keep saying what has he been doing ( where has he been hiding ) for the last 3 years !!
And you send me something from Oct 2023 ? WTH ?
Stop. You are lying and making fools of yourselves!
Change the substack to Great Lie Telling!
Fine is he is finally getting a conscious or getting $$$$ to do something now. Better than not doing anything at all, although all the people that wanted to take the shots have pretty much already done their euthanasia already. It is almost like a clown coming out now from the closet where he was hiding for 3 years. Maybe he did whisper through the door once or twice but I look and watch everything and did not see it.
I do not involve myself with liars, one never wins. I am done with this bogus arrogant misleading stack.
Evidence please of his speaking out and work trying to save lives in the last three years.
We have all the evidence of the Canadian dead at markcrispinmiller substack.
Where is his "work " in the last three years of people dropping dead and continuing to be injected like lost Canadian sheep.
Just provide the evidence to back your claims of work, speaking out, and "hero". Not this morning and not 3 years ago, but in between while people were dropping dead and lead down the death path.
Where has your " Hero " Byram Bridle and other Canadian patriot Drs. been on this one for the last 3 plus! years ? They don't know how to look in a vial erroneously labeled
"vaccine" and check the contents? How much money do they collect for what? Every month/year?
I think you just haven't looked very hard... a quick search on Bright Light News shows appearances, speeches, interviews, panel discussions... there are 8 pages of results since early 2021... not sure how that equates to silence. You just won't find a lot of results in Google (but really, that's not where you should be looking).
Perhaps you should stop repeatedly saying he's kept silent just because you've not been looking hard enough. If you're not sure, ask a genuine question without the accusations and filling in the answer you think you have, please... These people who speak out have to deal with enough vitriol from the pro-vaccine crowd without being attacked by someone who appears to be on the same side.
Thank you so much for all our Canadian brave souls. This climate is certainly not conducive to truth telling. How much longer can this mess be hidden? We’re embarking on vaccinations for 6 month olds, which is diabolical. I’m vaccine injured and don’t want any of these horrendous side effects to happen to wee babies.
I live in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. I am truly amazed at the campaigns to get people to be get the shots. From an earlier part of this craziness, I had huge questions that were not being addressed. I had to look at alternative media, journals, media from other countries and podcasts to make some sense of it. I appreciate people who are looking g for the facts.
I am honestly tired of the medical censorship in Canada.
Truth is simply truth. It should not be construed as divisive, disruptive, or courageous or even passive. It simply "IS." There should not be anything BUT Truth, but there unfortunately is. To speak it takes courage, as "Courageous Truth" suggests, but it is the speaker to whom credit should rightly go for the risks taken thereby. Or to be even more specific; it is the Holy Spirit of God Who convicts the conscience to do right, to speak right, to act righteously, and not conceal, or minimize any part for personal gain or protection. There are those professionals whom we have witnessed the axe coming down on their necks for doing right. These are the courageous souls who have put the Truth above their well-being and most if not all have suffered consequences at the hands of the "machine."
There WILL be a reckoning for the willing participants' silence and complicity. That day is coming for them, and someday, thank the Lord, there will be great rewards for the Truth tellers.
"Goats on the left.........Sheep on (and IN) the right!"
God bless you, C.T. Fear not, for the God of Truth is FAR greater than all that offends.
34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’
Yes, I sometimes wonder at the courage of certain individuals and stand in absolute amazement of their technical skill and tenacity. It is such a thing to behold. Perhaps this power is forged in them by the “Grace of God that passes all understanding”. It is other worldly in my opinion.
Thanks for your work. I have one question: in the preliminary report from WCH, three of the Pfizer vials were reported to be above the standard by qPCR. What is the reason why all of them were below the standard? I would appreciate if you could tell me the reason or the formula.
Sorry, I have an additional question, I think the Cq values in Table.2 are based on a 10-fold dilution, but are the total copies and total dose corrected by 10-fold, respectively? Thank you in advance.
That is badass that you didn't let that school counselor hold you back from the academic greatness that you have acheived,,,, especially since our times require brave and honest scientists like you and Rose.
So far it is now out in the public domain that billions of DNA fragments, along with SV40, and even leftover eColi has been found in nearly all Pfizer and Moderna.
What is still missing from public discussion is the presence of strange, synthetic metallic quantum nanotechnology that is self-assembling at different emf frequencies, this in something called hydrogel that itself is infused with highly toxic graphene oxide during the manufacturing process of which PEG, polysorbate glythol (in Pfizer c19 /moderna) is merely an ingredient.
I am still suffering from a first AstraZeneca injection containing polysorbate-80 which “causes cancer, emulsifier that opens the blood brain barrier so the aluminum nano particles can get in.”
I suffered from continous outbreaks of mouth ulcers and herpes for many months after my astra-zen injection, and came down with many colds, stomach and severe back pain and a racing heartbeat.
Apparently this is also known as a rheumatic RFID, most likely behcets disease, and 30 months after the AZ injection I am now suffering from vasculitis which is causing alot of pain on the heel of one of my feet which I never had before ever.
So the pathways of destruction induced by these so called safe and effective vaxxines continues on, years later despite taking lots of antioxidants, keeping a gf anti-inflammatory diet and drinking pineneedle tea.
Oxford University and Dr. Sean Elias from the University of Oxford’s COVID-19 vaccine team should be prosecuted and shamed for false advertising. How dare you hurt me!
Get their vaccine and be injured for life, no thank you.
Wish I had never taken this injection. Sorry for longish post. Then to add insult to injury I was fired for gross misconduct for not getting a 2nd jab but they used the excuse that I had provided some websites questioning safety to a young NHS newstarter nurse in private conversation.
Thank You for that thoughtful, humble comment, Jennifer.
Likewise, I find it amazing as well. And agree with you about its origin. The "other worldly" realm; that of heaven, and its inhabitants which I presume you're referring to, is 100% Truth. The opposite holds true for the dark side as well. If it emanates from "below" then we can safely assume that it is detrimental, devious, and destructive to partakers.
The modern philosophical gurus preach that truth is subjective! Once adopted, nothing is sacred or reliable. The sciences implode, history becomes a matter of opinion, even mathematics is not safe. How much less are peoples gender? The distorted scene has evolved from the ideas of the "dark" side and its commander in chief; planted in impressionable minds by infiltrators (in-fill traitors) of the disciplines of society within the prestigious "higher learning" institutes. It's all been set up to be carried out as it has been, and the results are as hoped; chaos in every department, color, and form. From here, we will be offered a "solution" or "order" as a remedy. A "new-world" order, to be specific.
Demented and determined philosophers have studied the human mind both individually and in-masse in order to learn what types of stimulus will effect a desired response. Fear is implemented since it is a strong emotion. Hate is fomented between both nation and individual for their inherent differences. All is planned to bring about the desire for "change" (for the better), which the "elite" have prepared long in advance. Their evil M.O. mirrors that of their commander in chief, Satan, who revels in his own imagined expertise; having the ability to so totally deceive his victims, that they will fall in line to receive their "un-just rewards" to their hurt. (To be clear, Satan truly IS a master deceiver and should never be underestimated. The proof of that stands clear and boldly so in today's world.)
For those of us who, like this author, desires to uncover the reason behind certain "peculiar" actions (and non-actions) within the ruling entities of the world, the suggestion remains: Search out and discover the motives of the men acting as "governors" and protectors of societies, and better still, search out and discover the motive of their "commander in chief." Study the K.J.V. of God's sacred Word to learn the TRUTH, and thereby equip yourself with knowledge and understanding, amid such a vicious storm of lies and contortions. It will calm your worries and answer all of the hard questions.
Ray, I am not so well acquainted with the knowledge you possess but I was moved to read CSLewis “Mere Christianity” after a section was quoted by Katherine Watt here on substack. She is the paralegal working closely with Sacha Latypova. CS Lewis was once an atheist but felt logically drawn to faith in God and Christianity in particular. I believe his logic and my subconscious are coalescing around recent events. The people I see fighting for truth have given me hope. I suspect they occasionally wonder where their super powers derive. If it is Gods work, give me more.
Great article. Unfortunately even members of my family still think I’m a crackpot to question the Vax constantly. The brainwashing is epidemic.
They want the subject to go away. They now have another reason to ridicule you, repetition. I have noticed a change though. Silence is golden.
They do this because they are afraid of what they injected.
Even the ones that are constantly using cleanses now to try to get this crap out because their family members have been crippled and died from it do not want to hear it!
They tell me a family member is waiting to die from their 3rd heart attack since the shot- 0 before. Then when I say how common it is etc, they wave their hands in the air and say "Aaah it scares me when you tell me about it! I don't want to hear it!"
BUT they were the ones who brought up the carnage and how many shots they had etc!
Crazy times!
In my circle I have experienced 2 deaths, 3 strokes, 2 cancers, 2 myocarditis, 3 disabilities. But I was the one that was ridiculed for not taking the jab.
Sounds about right! We did not take it but know 32ppl who are dead. Some at my gym, some friends of friends, rest are coworkers and a friend real estate agents' clients. Then there are the disabled. At my work, at hubbies work, everywhere!
We will watch a lot of ppl perish.
Exactly same for me. Why is this still happening? How? This is totally insane.
I'm sorry. Pure evil acts. AND they don't care. Maybe she'll come around before anymore but no later than within the two weeks. 🙏
We are members of the same tribe Brother!
Same here, only one not jabbed and the 'pure bloods' ain't the pure as we too get it from shedding and the environment. When I speak of DNA contamination, there goes my bro sending me articles from msm to counter my comments. So now I stopped trying to convince them they are already stuck in the mud, not trying to rescue them now.
I very much appreciate you sharing your personal story and the frame of scripture with your research work - because in reality they are three frames of the same story and depth and context is what will get us out of this mess. Going to dig into this research. Thank you David.
But there may not be such things as viruses.
Endogenous DNA and RNA does not count.
Since you have a PhD in viruses, can you prove they exist? Usually the first step before someone studies something, it must exist, if it does not, it is a hoax.
Just asking because scientists always need to keep an open mind.
Thank you.
In keeping with the " Courageous Truth", Dr. Byram Bridle was silent after his major revelation ( FOIA Japan) early on. Where did he go for years after it and why? Silence, crickets. Did he remain silent to keep his job? I don't know why he remained silent, do you?
Either I am wrong about his silence or you are trying to fool us in pretending to tell the truth but you are NOT.
He did speak out but was censored.
Rumble is a Canadian company before it was recently bought out. In Toronto, an hour and a half from him. Non censored material. Are you aware? Was he speaking out for the last three years ( not recently) ? Please provide, I was watching and waiting after his Japan FOIA and I saw and heard nothing. He clammed up. Paid to clam up.
Please forward his work on this from the uncensored sites ( or any ) for the last 3 years. I want to see the " Hero's " work.
He was on a Rumble podcast with CHD just this morning...
Freedomisnotfree: Dr Bridle has been extremely vocal, no holds barred. He speaks everywhere including internationally. Perhaps you're hoping for something via MSM? Or google-searching? Sadly he's censored via those mediums. But he is far from silent, my friend.
Please share with us all the speaking out you have heard him doing in the last 3 years. I have been looking and following EVERYONE ELSE but no BB.
Please enlighten us with his links on all the dozens of non censored sites.
Thank you.
So he is coming out of hiding for 3 years this am. Nice.
How many Canadian deaths on him!!
He was among the first doctors to come out and warn people, I can remember listening his warnings towards pregnant women not to take the jab very early on. You seem to have axe to grind, why?
Yeah, for a half a second. Then where did he go for years?
Just have a think about pansy asses when others are risking their lives and careers doing THE RIGHT THING.
And you, proclaiming truth , but void of truth and proof. Let’s see your proof he was vocal and visible for the last 36 months. Don’t make a claim unless you can back it up.
Oh, and answer my question about viruses Mr virologist. Stop the avoidance.
We understand deflection, obfuscation and confusion as a veil to hide behind.
This is a majorly amateurish substack. You new around here?
Dr Bridle has been such an effective spokesperson against the toxic Covid jabs *and* all the harmful lockdowns and mask mandates, that the jab-pushers responded by setting up a website to smear him and discredit him. That website lists many of the interviews and podcasts and talks that Dr Bridle has done to warn people, and calls them "false and misleading".
Here's just a taste of what the website says. but read it yourself. It's evidence of what Dr Bridle said, when he said it, and why the jab-pushers were so upset about it:
On May 27th, 2021, Dr. Byram Bridle made several false or misleading claims about the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and COVID-19 mRNA vaccines while appearing as a guest on Alex Pierson's radio show and podcast. Bridle ended the interview with the explosive claim:
... we made a big mistake, we didn't realize it until now ... we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin ...
The audience (including Pierson) was alarmed. The public relies on experts to interpret new scientific data, and a tenured professor with a PhD in immunology had just told them directly (three times over the course of the seven-minute interview) that his message should scare them.
This presented the perfect opportunity for anti-vaccine advocates, who use scientific credentials and fear (rather than actual scientific evidence) to trick their audience. Steve Kirsch (who had heard Bridle’s message the day before at a private webinar) quickly recruited Bret Weinstein and Robert Malone to amplify Bridle’s claims:
After the CCCA call with Byram (which by sheer luck I happened to be on), I contacted Bret Weinstein and requested an episode to expose this. He said it would be better if there was someone with medical credentials who would say the same thing. I offered that Robert Malone would be the perfect choice so that people would take what we had to say seriously. We filmed that Darkhorse podcast on June 10, 2021.
— Steve Kirsch (2022)
In the following weeks and months, millions of people heard Bridle’s message. He appeared on public-access television in Canada, and twice on Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle. Bridle gave numerous interviews on right-wing podcasts and radio shows, spoke at the ‘Freedom Convoy’ in Ottawa, and served as an ‘expert witness’ in several court cases and administrative hearings in opposition to public health measures.
Despite his newfound fame and the reach of his message, Bridle claimed he was censored and maligned by the scientific community, who have roundly rejected his interpretation of the scientific evidence.
So, "Freedomisnotfree," you read and understood this sentence, right? -- "In the following weeks and months, millions of people heard Bridle’s message." I was one of those millions, and it was Dr Bridle's and Dr Yeadon's early warnings that convinced me and my family to avoid the jabs. He sure got punished by his employer for those warnings. Dr Bridle is a hero.
An easy way to find a slew of the work Dr Bridle has done since early 2021 to warn people about the toxic Covid vaccines is to go to, do a search for Byram Bridle, and scroll through to see all the interviews and podcasts and videos and talks he's done regularly, year after year, since early 2021 -- look for the ones that were posted 2 and 3 years ago, and those all the way up to the last several months. Why can't you do such an easy search? Your failure to do even the most simple of searches, and your demands that others do them for you, make you appear to be cointelpro and not genuine. Here, I did it for you: Look at the dozens and dozens of videos from 2 to 3 months ago to 2 to 3 years ago. Here he is two months ago:
Pick whatever date you want in 2021, 2022, 2023. Or are you part of the smear campaigns that are unleashed on all of our most effective health freedom heroes?
Byram Bridle was locked out of his lab and has endured censure ever since. It is nearing 2 years now. In January of 2022 he was in Ottawa with the Canadian trucker protest inviting Theresa Tam and other Health Canada officials to debate over the supposed safety and efficacy of the Covid shots. Your questions are easily answered by anyone that was present and awake during Covid. Are you deliberately trying to lead people astray from the truth?
He could not find another Lab?
Jessica did manage.
Maybe he needed to look harder for the key.
Why are you creating this negativity Freedomisnotfree? Many of us have heard hundreds of interviews, presentations and in-person conversations with Dr. Bridle since his revelation to the world 3 years ago, and many others who have been trying to warn others all along. I am not sure why you feel you can question this when there have been so many opportunities for you to hear Dr. Bridle and others but somehow you have been unable to find them? Maybe you should walk boldly out from behind that rock. No one should malign those who have sacrificed so much and have stood despite great opposition. I know there have been many attempts by these folks to obtain paid positions, but some have not been successful because of censorship and bias and cancelling of their expertise. Maybe you could find a lab for them to work in since you think they are readily available to walk-ins. Much of their work in the last couple of years has been done pro-bono. They deserve our admiration and thanks. Peace to you.
Please post Dr BB links.
Start by listening to the testimony of many Canadian truthtellers on this site also ... If you subscribe to substack you will find many authors you are looking for.
I read everything and have never come across BB except his Japan FOIA short video.
Why can't this man stick up for himself?
I keep saying what has he been doing ( where has he been hiding ) for the last 3 years !!
And you send me something from Oct 2023 ? WTH ?
Stop. You are lying and making fools of yourselves!
Change the substack to Great Lie Telling!
Fine is he is finally getting a conscious or getting $$$$ to do something now. Better than not doing anything at all, although all the people that wanted to take the shots have pretty much already done their euthanasia already. It is almost like a clown coming out now from the closet where he was hiding for 3 years. Maybe he did whisper through the door once or twice but I look and watch everything and did not see it.
I do not involve myself with liars, one never wins. I am done with this bogus arrogant misleading stack.
The Truth Will Set You Free
Evidence please of his speaking out and work trying to save lives in the last three years.
We have all the evidence of the Canadian dead at markcrispinmiller substack.
Where is his "work " in the last three years of people dropping dead and continuing to be injected like lost Canadian sheep.
Just provide the evidence to back your claims of work, speaking out, and "hero". Not this morning and not 3 years ago, but in between while people were dropping dead and lead down the death path.
Thank you
Where has your " Hero " Byram Bridle and other Canadian patriot Drs. been on this one for the last 3 plus! years ? They don't know how to look in a vial erroneously labeled
"vaccine" and check the contents? How much money do they collect for what? Every month/year?
I think you just haven't looked very hard... a quick search on Bright Light News shows appearances, speeches, interviews, panel discussions... there are 8 pages of results since early 2021... not sure how that equates to silence. You just won't find a lot of results in Google (but really, that's not where you should be looking).
Perhaps you should stop repeatedly saying he's kept silent just because you've not been looking hard enough. If you're not sure, ask a genuine question without the accusations and filling in the answer you think you have, please... These people who speak out have to deal with enough vitriol from the pro-vaccine crowd without being attacked by someone who appears to be on the same side.
Well said, thank you.
Thanks for sharing David. You are a brave man. I appreciate all that you are doing. Much love, and God bless you brother.
Thank you for this. Could you explain to the non-science people what 'ori' DNA is?
Got it! Thanks to the internet's most scientifically qualified mouse 🐭
Thank you so much for all our Canadian brave souls. This climate is certainly not conducive to truth telling. How much longer can this mess be hidden? We’re embarking on vaccinations for 6 month olds, which is diabolical. I’m vaccine injured and don’t want any of these horrendous side effects to happen to wee babies.
I live in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. I am truly amazed at the campaigns to get people to be get the shots. From an earlier part of this craziness, I had huge questions that were not being addressed. I had to look at alternative media, journals, media from other countries and podcasts to make some sense of it. I appreciate people who are looking g for the facts.
I am honestly tired of the medical censorship in Canada.
Do you not have Internet ? is Canadian from Toronto.
Can you use a search engine like Duck, Duck go to look at, and dozens of other sites?
Or you could not think to turn off CBC, CBS and CNN.
Please be truthful.
The truth will set you free.
Best of luck.
Great job David!!! Thank you for sharing. Your work shows Honesty and integrity. We need more scientiests and doctors like you are. Thank you!
Truth is simply truth. It should not be construed as divisive, disruptive, or courageous or even passive. It simply "IS." There should not be anything BUT Truth, but there unfortunately is. To speak it takes courage, as "Courageous Truth" suggests, but it is the speaker to whom credit should rightly go for the risks taken thereby. Or to be even more specific; it is the Holy Spirit of God Who convicts the conscience to do right, to speak right, to act righteously, and not conceal, or minimize any part for personal gain or protection. There are those professionals whom we have witnessed the axe coming down on their necks for doing right. These are the courageous souls who have put the Truth above their well-being and most if not all have suffered consequences at the hands of the "machine."
There WILL be a reckoning for the willing participants' silence and complicity. That day is coming for them, and someday, thank the Lord, there will be great rewards for the Truth tellers.
"Goats on the left.........Sheep on (and IN) the right!"
God bless you, C.T. Fear not, for the God of Truth is FAR greater than all that offends.
Matthew 10:34-36
New King James Version
Christ Brings Division
34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’
Please don't quote the Bible if you are cherry picking at what you don't understand.
What do you think that I am not understanding?
Yes, I sometimes wonder at the courage of certain individuals and stand in absolute amazement of their technical skill and tenacity. It is such a thing to behold. Perhaps this power is forged in them by the “Grace of God that passes all understanding”. It is other worldly in my opinion.
Thanks for your work. I have one question: in the preliminary report from WCH, three of the Pfizer vials were reported to be above the standard by qPCR. What is the reason why all of them were below the standard? I would appreciate if you could tell me the reason or the formula.
Sorry, I have an additional question, I think the Cq values in Table.2 are based on a 10-fold dilution, but are the total copies and total dose corrected by 10-fold, respectively? Thank you in advance.
It is like I heard Jessica say the evidence is clear they are doing this on purpose to create harm and death! Pure evil 👿!!!!!!!!!
That was old news from 3 years ago.
Excellent David, will share widely.. thanks for all you do and especially for this research.
That is badass that you didn't let that school counselor hold you back from the academic greatness that you have acheived,,,, especially since our times require brave and honest scientists like you and Rose.
Thank you for posting this brillant analysis.
So far it is now out in the public domain that billions of DNA fragments, along with SV40, and even leftover eColi has been found in nearly all Pfizer and Moderna.
What is still missing from public discussion is the presence of strange, synthetic metallic quantum nanotechnology that is self-assembling at different emf frequencies, this in something called hydrogel that itself is infused with highly toxic graphene oxide during the manufacturing process of which PEG, polysorbate glythol (in Pfizer c19 /moderna) is merely an ingredient.
I am still suffering from a first AstraZeneca injection containing polysorbate-80 which “causes cancer, emulsifier that opens the blood brain barrier so the aluminum nano particles can get in.”
I suffered from continous outbreaks of mouth ulcers and herpes for many months after my astra-zen injection, and came down with many colds, stomach and severe back pain and a racing heartbeat.
Apparently this is also known as a rheumatic RFID, most likely behcets disease, and 30 months after the AZ injection I am now suffering from vasculitis which is causing alot of pain on the heel of one of my feet which I never had before ever.
So the pathways of destruction induced by these so called safe and effective vaxxines continues on, years later despite taking lots of antioxidants, keeping a gf anti-inflammatory diet and drinking pineneedle tea.
Oxford University and Dr. Sean Elias from the University of Oxford’s COVID-19 vaccine team should be prosecuted and shamed for false advertising. How dare you hurt me!
Get their vaccine and be injured for life, no thank you.
Wish I had never taken this injection. Sorry for longish post. Then to add insult to injury I was fired for gross misconduct for not getting a 2nd jab but they used the excuse that I had provided some websites questioning safety to a young NHS newstarter nurse in private conversation.
Thank You for that thoughtful, humble comment, Jennifer.
Likewise, I find it amazing as well. And agree with you about its origin. The "other worldly" realm; that of heaven, and its inhabitants which I presume you're referring to, is 100% Truth. The opposite holds true for the dark side as well. If it emanates from "below" then we can safely assume that it is detrimental, devious, and destructive to partakers.
The modern philosophical gurus preach that truth is subjective! Once adopted, nothing is sacred or reliable. The sciences implode, history becomes a matter of opinion, even mathematics is not safe. How much less are peoples gender? The distorted scene has evolved from the ideas of the "dark" side and its commander in chief; planted in impressionable minds by infiltrators (in-fill traitors) of the disciplines of society within the prestigious "higher learning" institutes. It's all been set up to be carried out as it has been, and the results are as hoped; chaos in every department, color, and form. From here, we will be offered a "solution" or "order" as a remedy. A "new-world" order, to be specific.
Demented and determined philosophers have studied the human mind both individually and in-masse in order to learn what types of stimulus will effect a desired response. Fear is implemented since it is a strong emotion. Hate is fomented between both nation and individual for their inherent differences. All is planned to bring about the desire for "change" (for the better), which the "elite" have prepared long in advance. Their evil M.O. mirrors that of their commander in chief, Satan, who revels in his own imagined expertise; having the ability to so totally deceive his victims, that they will fall in line to receive their "un-just rewards" to their hurt. (To be clear, Satan truly IS a master deceiver and should never be underestimated. The proof of that stands clear and boldly so in today's world.)
For those of us who, like this author, desires to uncover the reason behind certain "peculiar" actions (and non-actions) within the ruling entities of the world, the suggestion remains: Search out and discover the motives of the men acting as "governors" and protectors of societies, and better still, search out and discover the motive of their "commander in chief." Study the K.J.V. of God's sacred Word to learn the TRUTH, and thereby equip yourself with knowledge and understanding, amid such a vicious storm of lies and contortions. It will calm your worries and answer all of the hard questions.
May the H.S. move in our lives for this purpose,
Ray, I am not so well acquainted with the knowledge you possess but I was moved to read CSLewis “Mere Christianity” after a section was quoted by Katherine Watt here on substack. She is the paralegal working closely with Sacha Latypova. CS Lewis was once an atheist but felt logically drawn to faith in God and Christianity in particular. I believe his logic and my subconscious are coalescing around recent events. The people I see fighting for truth have given me hope. I suspect they occasionally wonder where their super powers derive. If it is Gods work, give me more.