I am David!!! Standing against Giants
Many people have asked where I’ve been throughout the pandemic and why they are only hearing about me now. Here is my story.
David said to Goliath, "You are coming to fight against me with a sword, a spear and a javelin. But I'm coming against you in the name of the LORD who rules over all. He is the God of the armies of Israel. He's the one you have dared to fight against. – 1 Samuel 17:45
A huge thank you to my many friends who encouraged me to keep writing. It’s been a busy few months of lab work and testimonials, but I’m back.
Many people have asked where I’ve been throughout the pandemic and why they only hear about me now. I’ve been busy standing on the truth since the start of the pandemic and busy working behind the scenes. Here is my story.
It has been six months since we put out our preprint on the DNA fragments in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID modRNA vaccines, and what a ride it has been – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The research has been well received. It has taken me in many new directions as we try to catch up to its impact.
Our preprint has been viewed over 190,000 times and downloaded ~18,000 times since October 2023. This makes it the most successful scientific paper that I’ve been involved with. I am grateful for such an amazing team, and for all those who have supported me in my personal life, in my research and here on Courageous Truth. Thank you!
From where I stood four years ago inside the halls of McMaster University there was no way to predict I would end up here today. In March 2020, I had just been fired from my COVID research project for not going along with the narrative.
When I first heard of a pandemic it seemed I was exactly in the right place at the right time. At McMaster University, I was invited to a working group to provide answers about the virus. I felt like I could not have been better suited to help my community and my country. COVID-19 was being called the biggest health emergency in history and I had the tools to help. I could use my experience with PCR and sequencing to detect and characterize the virus. However, when I applied the rigour of my training and a scrutinizing lens in our lab, I was sidelined by my colleagues and my university. They had other plans.
That moment was devastating. It didn’t add up. It wasn’t clear where I was meant to be. The world was in turmoil. I had the tools, but I couldn’t see the path. The only sure steps I could take were small and one at a time. They were towards the things I knew to be true. I had to keep my family fed and safe, but I also had to search for the truth of COVID-19. Even though many attempted to discourage me from working on COVID-related research I knew it was my calling.
As the days unfolded there were contradictions everywhere and not many answers. This was an opportunity. I could put my energy and my time into sharing my experience. My expertise was in Coronaviruses and PCR testing. I understood the scientific basis for health policies, and when I saw public health depart from science, I called it out to my friends and colleagues. This did not make me particularly popular. I called out the incoherent travel policies. I called out the lockdowns. I called out the masking. I supported efforts to restore sanity in our communities. I looked for every opportunity to pursue teaching and research. When the vaccines first rolled out, I was told by a Pfizer sales rep to wait 12 months before taking the shot. I knew then that something wasn’t right, and I had to use my scientific mind to look for answers, but how?
As I spoke up, I found people doing the same. One by one my network grew until I found myself connected to some of the most insightful and courageous people across the world. I had found a home for my efforts in the Medical Freedom Community. Here fearless doctors, practitioners and scientists had come together to pool their skills and find the answers we were all looking for.
In April 2021. I joined the Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee (SMAC) of the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA). At that time the CCCA was in its infancy but growing quickly as a champion of COVID truth on so many levels. It was and still is a place where medical practitioners and scientists can connect with Canadians and provide them with sound advice in a seemingly hopeless world.
Shortly after this, I was blessed with an opportunity to take on a Sessional Assistant Professorship in Biology and Health Sciences at Redeemer University. This was a chance to get back in the lab and teach the actual science of microbiology, genetics, and PCR methods.
I could lead research into COVID again. As a co-applicant, I applied for and was awarded a $500,000 research grant by the Recover19 team and the Canadian government to investigate “Transparency and shared responsibility for sustainable post-pandemic recovery and evidence-informed decision-making during future global emergencies”. The Recover19 team was composed of several faculty who questioned the mandates, asked deep questions, and worked as a team to reflect on what actually happened during the pandemic.
For a period, it seemed like I was back in the saddle doing the work I loved. However, for reasons that were never fully explained, Redeemer University replaced me, and I found myself again questioning where I was meant to be.
In that moment I wanted to close the door on the insane world and withdraw to anywhere that was at least predictable. I could be a simple scientist doing what I loved, but deep inside I recognized that simple is never what we are asked to do.
In July 2023, I received a very special call that would change the course of my life. I was asked if I could help confirm the April 2023 findings of Kevin McKernan that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 modRNA vaccines contained high levels of plasmid DNA, as well as the SV40 enhancer-promoter in the Pfizer vaccines. His work was groundbreaking and confirming these findings would have tectonic implications.
How did I get chosen to be part of such an important project?
Looking back, I realized that God opened my calendar when I lost my teaching job. This opportunity would require dedicating all my time for the next few months. Time and determination were two things I had in abundance, and I had to trust that this was the right thing to do. This research was not without risks. For two years, scientific papers on vaccines had come packaged with the obligatory preamble:
“The literature shows that the vaccines are highly effective in protecting the population from severe disease and death but...”
There was barely any room to scrutinize the vaccines much less expose their risks. In an environment where the only money was flowing into labs supporting the narrative and modRNA vaccines, questioning their safety and efficacy was like biting the hand that feeds.
Most research groups with funding would not dare challenge the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 modRNA vaccines. Many people looked at this research as a career-ender. In the strangest twist on providence, unemployment was practically a prerequisite. As was a preternatural belief in a higher purpose. I was compelled to do it. If the last two years had taught me anything, I knew this was the right thing to do even if it was a hard thing to do. I pressed on ignoring the swarms of people warning me off the research.
After several months of lab work, the data were in. The results were astounding. All the samples contained residual plasmid DNA above the recommended levels, depending on the testing method.
We completed our paper and sent it to the OSF preprint server in the early morning hours of October 19, 2023, this information was too important to wait for peer review, and we didn’t use bioRxiv or medRxiv as the owners as they would not publish anything that went against the narrative. Getting the results to prospective patients, other scientists and doctors was a moral imperative.
Even though I knew what was found, there was still no way to comprehend exactly how my life would take a turn when this data was released. The response was overwhelming.
Immediately before the paper’s release the World Council for Health held an urgent expert hearing on the DNA found in the vaccines. Immediately after the release, the discussions and news articles started when Steve Kirsch hosted Kevin McKernan and Dr. Byram Bridle on his podcast to talk about the findings and their implications.
The story was picked up by news and trade publications including some of my favourites like The Epoch Times, Rebel News, Trial Site News, The Canadian Independent, and Sonia Elijah’s Substack.
The research and story very quickly took on a life of its own thrusting us all into the public conversation. As anyone who has spoken up during the COVID pandemic knows, when you’re over the target you will be attacked. This has given me an up close and personal relationship with the darker side of human nature. Not everyone is ready for the truth. Some people described our efforts in reverse, taking our findings as a personal attack on their business, their practice, and their credibility, and they hit back.
Shortly after its release ‘#DNAcontamination’ started trending on Twitter. A well-known troll who masquerades under the pseudonym “Not Dr. Byram Bridle” levelled this doozy: “The reality…is that Speicher is also a very religious virologist with a (much worse) speech impediment.”
It’s true I am a believer and I trust in God to guide me. It’s also true that I have a severe stutter, and sometimes it slows down my speech. Some people can’t look past it. I am not going to pretend that these insults don’t hurt, or that getting the cold shoulder from your old colleagues is easy. It’s not. However, it does get easier. Every time you are attacked for speaking the truth and you lean in, you get stronger.
It hasn’t just been the Twitter trolls pushing back. Our research elicited an immediate response from Health Canada and the FDA. First, they had to acknowledge the findings. This was a victory. Then they claimed it wasn’t a problem. In the fall we could not say for certain what the plasmid DNA was doing, but the risks were obvious and now we could find out. The controversy found itself at the centre of discussions, panels, conferences, and courtrooms across the world.
On October 23, 2023, Dr. Robert Malone recognized the research in his Substack piece entitled “What is Adulteration of pseudo-mRNA vaccines, and why should you care?” sharing the following about Kevin McKernan and I.
Things were looking up. I was invited to a conference where I met Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, a faithful servant and tireless advocate of the medical freedom movement. She invited me to present our findings at the ‘Era of Champions’ conference.
It was a moment I can only describe as providence as I found myself on stage with the giants sharing our research with thousands of people. It was a wow moment.
My good friend and colleague Dr Byram Bridle provided a humbling introduction with a powerful message. He set me up as David taking on Goliath. He called out the crude remarks from “Not Dr. Byram Bridle” earlier on Twitter that morning. It could not have come at a better time. Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson created a magnificently produced segment of my presentation to air on her show. It will allow me to share my experience with you as we break down the data from the research.
Watch the Presentation: https://rumble.com/v49iqfc-dr.-david-speicher-and-his-shocking-lab-discovery.html
In January 2024, our research was instrumental in the decision by Florida State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Lapado to call for a halt on the COVID-19 modRNA vaccines. That has been one of the great moments so far that against all odds, I had found myself at the right place at the right time doing the right thing.
Although we still don’t have all the answers, and we have many battles ahead we can be sure of two things. We are all called to stand up and courageously stand on what we know to be true. The promise in the story of David and Goliath is that when we take our steps forward in good faith and trust in His plan our victory is assured. Not by our weak nature, but despite it, and because we are acting with His strength.
Looking back on this last couple of years I am grateful. That we made it this far. That I have found my place to help in COVID and against the tyranny that we face. I am also grateful for the support of wonderful friends and colleagues like Dr Byram Bridle, Dr. Maria Gutschi, Dr. David Wiseman, Kevin Mckernan, Dr Jessica Rose and Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and scores of others who have put it on the line to get us through these dark times. I will continue to speak the scientific truth as widely as I can and present my work as an expert witness on any court case that needs my assistance. There have been too many people affected by the vaccine mandates. Many are severely vaccine-injured. They all need our continued support. The research into insertional mutagenesis (i.e. DNA integration into the human genome) has only just begun.
If you want to support my research further here are several options.
1. Courageous Truth is reader supported, consider being a paid subscriber.
2. Contact me directly via e-mail: research@davidspeicher.com
Hello David.
Baculovirus DNA integrates into Chromosomes of Chinese Hamster Ovary cells.
Clones were grown continuously for 36 passages to show it persists.
Any risk with Australia's GMO Covid19 Jab SpikoGen, formerly known as Covax-19 that uses Baculovirus and Plasmids with Polyhedrin promoter grown in Trichoplusia Ni insect cells?
Start where you are
Use what you have
Do what you can
Don't suffer bullies