Freedom is Worth Fighting For!!!
Two years ago TODAY I made my first public speech against the COVID mandates at the Freedom Convoy. This is my story and speech from that epic event.
“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:7-9
The Freedom Convoy is a lifetime event that I’ll never forget. Today, February 12, 2024, marked the two-year anniversary of the day that I spoke out publicly for the first time against the COVID mandates, scientific insanity, and medical tyranny.
I was first sidelined from McMaster University on March 17, 2020, for questioning the mandates and asking good scientific questions. I had also just completed a pandemic plan for my church when things went South. My supervisor called me into a Zoom meeting. As soon as I saw HR and the department head on the call, I knew something wrong was afoot. During that call, I asked 10 times “What is this about? What have I done wrong?” Each time I was told, “You’ll find out next week.” The next week turned into 10 weeks of silence. It was so early in the pandemic that no one ever believed that doctors and scientists would be canceled for standing up for scientific truth. It was at this time that a good friend encouraged me to “question everything I knew about the scientific field.” I was falsely accused on two small accounts that I easily refuted, but it was July 2020 when I was cleared and returned to work, but was told that I wasn’t allowed to be involved with anything COVID-related. The next month I was awarded the McMaster University Faculty of Health Sciences Postdoctoral Leadership Award…they only give out one per year. This situation did not deter me from working on COVID-related issues but it did discourage me enough that I was scared to speak up.
Thankfully I met Dr. Byram Bridle a week after his epic interview on The Alex Pierson Show and was invited to be a part of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee of the Canadian COVID Care Alliance. It was during these early Zoom meetings that we had deep meaningful scientific discussions about COVID-related issues and how to tackle them. During this time we were having secret rallies in chicken barns and awake churches. Sadly, as the Government continued to impose lockdowns, hand out fines for gatherings and kids playing on park swings, and then bring in insane COVID-19 vaccine mandates society started looking dark.
For many of us scientists and doctors who had been standing up and speaking against the medical and political tyranny, the Freedom Convoy was a turning point providing a glimmer of hope in a seemingly helpless cultural deterioration. When the Freedom Convoy passed through Hamilton, Ontario I was employed as a Laboratory and R&D Director at a private company doing 15,000 COVID PCR tests/week on asymptomatic people. On January 28, 2022, I had the day off, so my son and I braved the -30oC weather, joined the crowds of people on the Centennial Bridge and supported the Freedom Convoy as it passed through Hamilton on its way to Ottawa. The next workday I was terminated from my position. I knew that I needed to head to Ottawa.
As things were heating up and the GoFundMe account was seized, I put the following message on Facebook, raised over $600 in 24 hours, and used it to load up the truck with diesel and food.
On February 11, 2022, we headed to Ottawa. We had no idea where we were going or who needed the food, but God did. We made it to Coventry at 10 PM. When we arrived, it was pitch dark and it felt like we were driving into a heavily guarded army camp. It was well-established and guarded but a warm welcoming bustling metropolis. We were given a hot meal and enjoyed some conversations with random people. Coventry accepted the diesel but sent us out to a new camp at exit 88 off Highway 417, just outside of Ottawa. We had no idea where we were going, but we knew God did. It was dark and we found the camp near midnight and were turned away because they were overflowing with donated food and were sent to a new camp just up the road. When we arrived the camp was tiny, with a single tent and trailer. When we arrived, the lone male was sleeping. When he saw how full we were with food he was overjoyed and had a good cry as we unloaded the truck. We knew that God knew who needed the food.
On February 12, 2022, we (a group of scientists from the University of Guelph, including Dr. Byram Bridle) made our way down to Wellington Street where I made my first public speech from the boom truck stage. The atmosphere was energetic and it was an honour to speak between Dr. Byram Bridle and Daniel Bulford who was followed by The Honourable Brian Peckford. Despite my stutter, I knew exactly what message I had to deliver as it had been going through my mind all week. It was an honor to be introduced by a colleague, Dr. Niel Karrow, and give one of the biggest speeches of my life.
This speech has been kept in the archives for far too long. After confirming the residual DNA in the COVID-19 vaccines, I am no longer worried about what people think of this speech and how I talk. It’s time for the world to hear this speech. While Moses and I both have a speech impediment our messages were the same ... "Pharoh, Let MY People GO!"
The Freedom Convoy was a definite game changer in the course of the pandemic and government overreach in Canada. The use of the Emergencies Act was one of the darkest days in Canadian history but changed the course our society was headed. Several countries launched their convoys based on the Canadian Freedom Convoy, and this week there are angry farmers protesting government overreach in Europe. We need to all stand behind our farmers in every country and do what we can to help those who are hurting and in need. Today, there are so many vaccine-injured people who are struggling. Their lives have been changed forever. Therefore, I charge all of you who are able, to stand up and speak out. So many people need hope and you can be used to bless those who are hurting. Never forget that Freedom is worth fighting for!!!
Thanks so much for all you do and you’re doing Dr. David Speicher… your continued advocacy through your research work is helping the world defeat this evil!
PS and I’m also a floxed person like Mark A Girard who posted here as well… I live in Toronto, and been advocating against all fluoroquinolone antibiotics such as a Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, Floxin +200 generic names worldwide for heavily over 10 years now … And when Covid started and I saw what was happening within the first few months I put out a major worldwide alert because as mentioned, these antibiotics kickstarted this Covid Plandemic in January 2020 in Wuhan, China by Bayer donating millions and millions of Avelox to the Chinese government. And sadly once the vaccines came out in 2021 making it a mandate for people to take the jab or lose their jobs…Many didn’t realize that they perhaps got a double whammy as the Covid vaccines are just as bad as the fluoroquinolone antibiotics. So, in fact, the COVID-19 long-hauliers, most of them, are actually Floxed … FQAD syndrome is recognized and designated by the FDA since 2016, Health Canada label updates were in 2011, 2016 Jan. 23, and 2017, 2018, etc., and in the UK and countries under the UK.
Stay safe everyone and God bless
Thank you for speaking out. I live in South Ottawa and cooked and donated lots of food for the truckers. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend because of poor health. My life was DESTROYED when I had an adverse reaction to the fluoroquinolone antibiotic Levaquin back in 2007. I suffered a devastating head to toe reaction with blood clots, broken blood vessels, liver and kidney damage, heart and aortic problems, collapsed lung and pulmonary edema, torn muscles, tendon ruptures and a hundred or more other serious health problems. Sadly, the medical system is in denial that this problem exists, much like we have seen with the worthless injections masquerading as vaccines. Those of us who have been "floxed" for a while recognized the gaslighting going on right away and were calling it out all along, or at least many of us did. I am still amazed by the number of people who knew damned well how BIG PHARMA manipulated facts and misrepresented cherry picked data to paint a far rosier picture of the safety profile of fluoroquinolones (FQs) who then fell for the jabs. It divided our community. I have been running support groups for floxies for quite some time but when covid got going and and I was labelled an anti-vaxxer I got kicked out of groups I helped create. I started a substack back then but a concussion and aortic ectasia blocking my bowels has slowed me down. I just recently posted my first few substacks explaining my new word coincidist, which is someone who blames medical harm on coincidence. Of course, it could also be the company trying to say the fish dying downstream from their factory is coincidence too. Same thing. We will win this thing with words. Keep speaking. Keep writing! Keep praying! God bless you in all you do, hang in there!