Dr. Byram Bridle finally returns to his office after 3 years of harassment
Publicly available police report sheds insight into how some University of Guelph faculty were investigated for identity fraud and criminal harassment.
Monday, December 16, 2024, marked the end of 3 years, 4 months, and 23 days (1,243 total days) since Dr. Byram Bridle was last in his office in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph. It has been challenging for his lab team to keep the science moving forward without direct contact with Dr. Bridle, yet the students have exceeded all expectations. However, a well-coordinated global defamation campaign against Dr. Bridle has set his research back years.
It was in March 2021, when a friend sent me an open letter penned by Dr. Bridle and colleagues from the University of Guelph and sent to Ontario’s Premier Doug Ford about their concerns about the lockdowns and failings of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. When I first read this letter, as I was from McMaster University and wasn’t familiar with any researcher from the University of Guelph, I thought that Dr. Bridle was just some lower-class scientist. Boy was I wrong!!! That has sure changed as I’m now close friends with Dr. Bridle, Dr. Karrow, and Dr. Mallard.
Dr. Bridle’s letter to Premier Ford, dated March 16, 2021, can be downloaded below, and provides two recommendations from their expert perspective as scientific experts in immunology, virology and vaccinology:
Consideration should be given to avoiding the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, for which there is documented evidence of it being ineffective against the South African variant of SARS-CoV-2, which we reiterate is now in Canada.
The intervals for the two-dose COVID-19 vaccines should adhere to what was officially approved by Health Canada and the manufacturers, which is 21- and 28-days for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
On May 27, 2021, Dr. Bridle had an infamous interview with Alex Pierson where he expressed his opinion that there may potentially be a link between Pfizer's shot and cases of myocarditis that were being identified at that time in young men in Israel. Dr. Bridle postulated that the systemic biodistribution of the lipid nanoparticle carrier technology and known toxicity of the spike protein could be possible mechanistic explanations. We now know from the scientific literature that Dr. Bridle was indeed correct.
Following the interview, a group of researchers from the University of Guelph publicly attested to their support of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine safety. On July 6, 2021, a letter was posted on Dr. Scott Weese’s Worms&Germs blog that contained supporting signatures from University of Guelph faculty and staff endorsing the experimental genetic vaccines while attacking Dr. Bridle's credibility, claiming he was spreading dangerous misinformation. Dr. Bridle responded by providing additional scientific evidence backing his claims.
PDF link: https://www.wormsandgermsblog.com/files/2021/07/20210706-VaccineSafety_UoGuelph.pdf
In response to this letter and in support of Dr. Bridle, the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA) responded with an open letter signed by 429 Professionals (Worldwide) and 7807 members of the General Public (Worldwide).
In and around this time, a malicious website and Twitter handle (ByramBridle.com and @ByramBridle) surfaced and attempted to impersonate Dr. Bridle and undermine his professional credibility. This defamatory website a was promoted by Dr. Weese, Dr. Glen Pyle, and Dr. David Fisman, which sparked a police investigation into possible identity theft and criminal harassment.
PDF Link: https://canucklaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/Byram-Bridle-Peel-Police-Identity-Theft.pdf
This detailed police investigative report includes numerous social media posts by Dr. Weese and Dr. Glen Pyle, and emails between Dr. Weese, Dr. Pyle, Dr. Amy Greer, Dr. David Fisman, and Daniel Funke. Both Dr. Weese and Dr. Fisman served together on the Ontario Science Table. While Dr. Fisman may have not known Dr. Bridle personally he promoted the fictitious website ByramBridle.com. Dr. Fisman is also the highlight of Dr. Watteel’s book Fisman’s Fraud due to his data fabrication and 'hate science' to justify vaccine mandates.
While I won’t go into detail about my interpretation of the police investigative report, a few key points stick out.
The fictitious website, ByramBridle.com, is a coordinated attempt to discredit Dr. Bridle. While the owner of this website has yet to be determined people are aware of who the owner is.
Dr. Weese used the opportunity to “ramp up” what he was saying in an attempt to get Dr. Bridle to legally come after him.
Despite the numerous complaints against Dr. Bridle, there has been no criminal wrongdoing by Dr. Bridle.
In May 2021, Dr. Weese was aware of the problem of increased myocarditis from the COVID-19 vaccines yet decided to keep pushing the “safe and effective” narrative.
It is disappointing that scientists and colleagues have treated Dr. Bridle in this manner. I know Dr. Bridle personally and find him a giant teddy bear. I encourage everyone to read the police report for themselves and make their own opinion about the people involved rather than listening to what they hear online.
Thank you so much for this detailed account of what happened to Dr Bridle…I was aware of the harassment he received since his bio distribution interview but not to this extent!!!..these crimes definitely need to be exposed…may justice be served. Thank you for being his friend..you are a wonderful person David.
You are both men of integrity and Canadian heroes, even when a good part of the population are unaware of your fight for truth