12 Days of Substacks: One David Declaration
Another extremely powerful declaration of health and justice in a post-COVID world.
Definition: A Declaration is a precise statement or explanation of what something means, particularly in legal or historical terms
As a scientist, I have participated in a few scientific declarations in oral health.
The Beijing Declaration (6th World Workshop on Oral Health and Disease in AIDS (HIV), Beijing China, April 2009)
Before this workshop, there was tremendous stigma surrounding the transmission of HIV in the dental health setting. Most of the health care policies and standing operating practices were to prevent the dental practitioner from getting infected by an HIV/AIDS patient. However, apart from disallowing an HIV-positive practitioner from working little was done to protect the patient. However, scientific evidence supports that oral health care professionals with HIV do not pose a risk of transmission to patients in the dental setting.
The Beijing Declaration concluded that oral health care professionals can continue a career in clinical practice, provided that the following criteria are met:
The individual is under on going care of a suitably qualified HIV health care professional.
The individual remains aware of their health status and acts appropriately.
Standard infection control is observed.
Scientific evidence related to HIV transmission will continue to be reviewed.
The Hyderabad Declaration (7th World Workshop on Oral Health and Disease in AIDS (HIV), Hyderabad India, November 2014).
The purpose of the Hyderabad Declaration was for clinicians, scientists, policymakers, and community representatives to discuss, share research, and strategize on managing and understanding HIV-related oral diseases.
The main goal was to advocate that the oral health of people with HIV should:
Be made universally and equitably accessible;
Be free from prejudice or discrimination;
Be based on evidence-based, socially acceptable methods and appropriate technology;
Be efficient and affordable at a cost that the country, community and individuals can afford;
Be designed – and where necessary re-oriented – to focus on its capacity to deliver health benefit;
Engage the full participation of the individuals and communities it serves in a spirit of empowerment and accountability.
So what is the purpose of highlighting those two dental health declarations? Well…it amazes me that all of the issues we faced during the HIV/AIDS pandemic quickly resurfaced during the COVID-19 pandemic and none of the evidence and advocacy efforts were followed.
The fear of viral transmission and infection that brought about the lockdowns.
The stigmatism to the point of justified discrimination against anyone unvaccinated, not wearing a mask, or who thought differently about the evidence.
The replacement of logical thought and evidence-based medical science with following blindly what Health Canada and Government officials told us to do.
The replacement of personalized medicine and informed consent with big pharma and regulatory bodies dictating what medicine must be used for what ailment to the point that all dissidents were disciplined and their medical licenses revolked.
The enforcement of universal vaccine mandates without informed consent or freedom of information.
This is why declarations like The Great Barrington Declaration and The Hope Accord were so important… I have signed both of them and encourage others to do so as well.
The Hope Accord, launched July 3, 2024 calls for the following…
The immediate suspension of the COVID mRNA vaccine products.
A comprehensive re-evaluation of the safety and efficacy of all COVID-19 vaccine products.
The immediate recognition and support for the vaccine injured.
The restoration of ethical principles abandoned during the COVID-19 era.
Addressing the root causes of our current predicament.
Since July 2024, there has been so much more evidence exposed as to the harms of the COVID-19 vaccines including the presence of high amounts of residual plasmid DNA and SV40 promoter-enhancer nuclear localization sequences giving validity for severe concern for all those who were injected.
The Australian COVID-19 modRNA Vaccine Vials
In 2024, I tested 3 vials (2 Pfizer, 1 Moderna) of the COVID-19 modRNA vaccines from Australia by both qPCR and fluormetry and found the highest amounts of plasmid DNA that I have ever seen by qPCR. The level of spike DNA in the vaccine was as high was 700 Billion copies/dose. These DNA fragments are inside the lipid nanoparticle, being transfected into cells, and have the potential to integrate into the human genome These results gave the evidence needed for serious concern.
My full final report on the testing of the Australian COVID-19 modRNA vaccine vials can be downloaded and read here.
The importance of the Australian GMO case and my independent testing of Australian COVID-19 modRNA vaccine vials can be found here:
Following the release of the data MP Russell Broadbent sent two letters to the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. These were responded to with silence.
This silence was answered by the town of Port Hedland holding a special council meeting on October 11, 2024 where the council passed in a vote of 5-2 to accept the a motion to (1) acknowledge my report on the Australian vials and the letters by MP Russell Broadbent, and (2) to send the reports and letters to all other Australian Local Government Councils and Shires and ask for support. You can read a really good summary of the Port Hedland council meeting here by Rebekah Barnett.
The David Declaration
On December 2 , 2024, The David Declaration was launched seeking the following five things:
The David Declaration is named in honour of myself, Dr. David J. Speicher, PhD DTM, penned by Prof. Robyn Cosford (a medical doctor and lead for the Australian chapter of Children's Health Defense), and supported by multiple politicians, particularly Russell Broadbent (an Australian MP who has a notable history of raising awareness about this topic, as highlighted by Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH/ McCullough Foundation and Health Alliance Australia), is The David Declaration.
Having lived in Australia from 2004 to 2014 while pursuing an MSc (Hons) in Clinical Microbiology and a PhD in Virology, both from Griffith University, I consider Australia my second home. I am blessed and humbled to have The David Declaration named in honour of the work that I have done for Australia and the health of all Australians. However, I do not accept full acknowledgement of The David Declaration as this was a multi-faceted effort.
While it is true that…
I am only using the gifts that God has given me to do the work that he has called me to do. I do not fear what the governments (even though my report has been sent to multiple world governments) or big pharma thinks. I will continue to stand firm and do what I can, I am not the only DAVID in this fight.
Russel Broadbent MP, is also a figurative David standing against the big Goliath of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in Canberra, Australia.
Councillors of the small town of Port Hedland, WA who stood against Premier Roger Cook and the Federal Government under Prime Minister Albanese.
The many courageous scientists, doctors, and professionals who have signed The David Declaration. I consider it an honour to call all of them friends and colleagues.
Merry Christmas to All.
Support the Science.
As a scientist who has been on the frontline for years and has not held a full-time paid position since May 2023 I rely on support from people who are keen on exposing the scientific truth and upholding pillars of evidence-based medical science. These are difficult times, but together we are strong. Together we can bring the courageous truth to light and ensure that this David beats Goliath.
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David.... You need to write a book. Bravo for standing tall
Thank you for battling Goliath!
There are a lot of declarations here for review.